Credo Reference


Not only is Credo a digital reference library of over 1100 high-quality reference books, it’s also the ideal place to start almost any research.

Enter your topic—for many you will find a “Topic Page” presenting a brief summary article and additional articles, books, news, images, and videos. Even better, on the same screen will be results from many of our authoritative databases.

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Gale in Context: Biography

Full-text articles from hundreds of periodicals. Search for people based on one or more personal facts such as birth and death year, nationality, ethnicity, occupation or gender, or combine criteria to create a targeted custom search.

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Gale in Context: Middle School

Research in Context Logo

(Formerly known as Research in Context)
Great for both middle and high school students, Research In Context covers cultures, government, people, history, literature, science and more. Content includes videos, newspapers, magazines, reference articles, and primary sources.

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